We are

The IDG is one of the oldest and most respected societies of St. Stephen's College, Delhi. It looks to broaden perspectives by discussing a variety of issues with eminent personalities.

Our talks often throw up some very unexpected answers and, even more often, some very unexpected questions.

Monday, March 31, 2008

The Origin Of

From the End-of-Year chart, 2006-2007:

"To mark the end of the year we, in trademark Historian style, have decided to go back to the beginning and trace the orgins of the IDG.

It seems that one JSR Goodlad (a satisfactory young man in his youth) started the ‘Informal Discussion Evenings'. The March 1960 edition of 'The Stephanian' reads “… discussed informally in the evenings since last October”, which indicates 1959 as the starting date of the IDG.

Mr. Arun Shourie wrote in the September 1960 edition of 'The Stephanian' that such eveings were “first organisd b y Mr. Goodlad. The objective is to have specifically qualified and well-known people to come and talk to us on a subject of general interest.”

Which is about all, really. Informal Discussion evenings to the Informal Discussion Group, with 49 years separating the two. And miles to go?

The King and his courtiers

The IDG, 2007-2008.

(L to R)

Back Row: Arka Banerjee, Gurnoor Dhillon, Richard Varghese, Ashwin John George, Abhishek Bhattacharyya, Arjun Rajkhowa.

Middle Row: Maryam Fatima, Roshni Kapoor, Nithya Kochuparampil, Shruti Dhapola, Akash Bhattacharya, Swati Rawat, Krittika Bhattacharjee.

Sitting: Ashwati Menon, Gautam Das

First Words

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