We are

The IDG is one of the oldest and most respected societies of St. Stephen's College, Delhi. It looks to broaden perspectives by discussing a variety of issues with eminent personalities.

Our talks often throw up some very unexpected answers and, even more often, some very unexpected questions.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Poll Results

"Does anyone read the blog except for us?"

A. Yes
B. No
C. There are no absolutes
D. But Sir, don't you think?

All votes to option D, except for one to A.

I think Akash's fame spreads. Or is it the same person voting again and again, and again? Who is this secret voter? Will he succeed in this battle of good against evil?

The suspense continues. The blog continues. A day shall come when we figure out how to get this link onto the college website. A day shall come when a human bean will read this blog.

To Glory of the highest!

(We were so worried B would win.)

Thursday, May 29, 2008


"Hey, that doesn't look like Dodi!"

"Yeah, hardly."

"The expression, though?"

"Ah, thaaaat."

"And the beak, of course."

"Of course."

News Flash: Fringe Benefits

Dodi Menon, Right Honourable President, has gone bald!
Her most recent photograph has been posted below.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

On a lighter note

As always, the Bongs provide the entertainment. Abhishek (pronounce: Oh-bhishek) demonstrates his appreciation after the Anoushka Shankar talk. But Grandma, what red ears you have!

Saturday, May 10, 2008


The Informal Discussion Group is a student forum, which initiates discussion on pertinent issues with experts in the field. We also interact with eminent personalities to gain an insight into the ideas and interests that contributed to their achievements.

The uniqueness of the discussion lies in its relaxed and informal nature. Following opening remarks made by the guest, the house is thrown open to questions. Questions range from the brilliant to the worthless, from the profound to the mischievous. Everything discussed is strictly ‘off-the-record’ and media representation is not permitted.

IDG talks usually last for an hour and a half, though some talks have gone on till past midnight. All members of the college are welcome to attend, regardless of whether of not he/she is a member of the IDG. There is, of course, a separate procedure to apply for membership to the IDG which is usually undertaken in the first or second week of August.