We are

The IDG is one of the oldest and most respected societies of St. Stephen's College, Delhi. It looks to broaden perspectives by discussing a variety of issues with eminent personalities.

Our talks often throw up some very unexpected answers and, even more often, some very unexpected questions.

Friday, March 18, 2011

A Discussion With Admiral Ramdas

The Informal Discussion Group invites you to a talk by
Admiral Ramdas

on the topic:

Indo-Pak Relations

Admiral Ramdas is an ex-military officer who became a peace activist who was awarded the Ramon Magsaysay Awards for peace for his efforts in "reaching across a hostile border to nurture a citizen-based consensus for peace between Pakistan and India. "

Soon after his retirement, the Admiral began to advocate demilitarisation and peaceful resolution of the Indo-Pak problems. He is the chairperson of the Pakistan India People's Forum for Peace and Democracy. He will be talking about Indo-Pak relations- The need for creation of a South Asian Identity and Regional Cooperation.

Venue: Staff Room Date: 8th March 2011

Time: 8PM

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