We are

The IDG is one of the oldest and most respected societies of St. Stephen's College, Delhi. It looks to broaden perspectives by discussing a variety of issues with eminent personalities.

Our talks often throw up some very unexpected answers and, even more often, some very unexpected questions.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Terrorism and Empire

The Informal Discussion Group invites you to an interactive session with:


(Professor of International Relations and Global Politics, Delhi University)

On the topic:

‘Terrorism and Empire’

Achin Vanaik is one of the leading analysts on globalization, democracy and security issues in South Asia and a renowned specialist on nuclear arms. He has co-founded the Movement in India for Nuclear Disarmament (MIND), as well as South Asians Against Nukes. In addition to being a recognized academic, Vanaik writes regularly for various national newspapers was formerly the assistant editor of the Times of India in Mumbai.

In the year 2000 Vanaik, along with Praful Bidwai, received the International Peace Bureau's Sean McBride International Peace Prize.

Time: 8:00 PM

Date: Wednesday, 15th December, 2010

Venue: The Staff Room

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